1 Gedanke zu „Kurzanalyse zur 9. WM-Partie Stand: 4,5:4,5“

  1. Wie Chessbase berichtet ( siehe hier: http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=6315 ), gab es während der ohnehin schon dramatischen Partie einen Zwischenfall mit tödlichem Ausgang. Ich zitiere:

    “We got some stats for game nine from Kiril Penusliski:
    * Chairs: Anand’s chair is a bit lower – a good two cm – lower then Topalov’s.
    * Yawning: Anand-Topalov 3:0 [plus five separate occasions of someone in the audience falling asleep and actually snoring]
    * Water refills: Anand-Topalov 5:5
    * Trips to the WC: Anand-Topalov 4:5. The players are accompanied by the arbiter. Anand once took a long walk down the corridor to the WC without actually using it; he was still followed all the way by an arbiter.
    * Coughing: Anand+Topalov-Nikolopoulous 0:16
    * Death toll: One fly menace, killed by the arbiter at the request of the players”

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